We crossed the Rockies on the way to Vancouver which made the journey one of the most spectacular that we've done in North America. In addition, the snow increased as we travelled higher, at one point resulting in a whiteout that left me wondering how the driver was dealing with it (and how sheer the drop at the side of the road was). I decided to put it out of my mind and went back to my playlist of podcasts and Christmas carols.
Ted and Betty had a few things to do the next day so we decided to make it our day exploring downtown Vancouver. Most of the North American cities we'd been to so far had had Chinatowns but I'd been tipped off that Vancouver's was one of the best. We had decided that it would be the one we ate in so like the intrepid explorers we are, we ventured into it. My tip-off turned out to be accurate and logical when I thought about it. We were now on the Pacific Coast of North America (8 h ahead of the UK) and if anyone from east Asia heads west, the first place they would find. There was a baffling array of shops selling rice, dried shrimp, mushrooms and a myriad of other unidentifiable things that you could scoop out of boxes and buy by the kilo should you so desire.
Finding somewhere to eat was tricky given the number of places available but we selected one that looked OK and went in (the Gain Wah). It was a great place and the staff very friendly, particularly when we were looking confused at the selection on the menus and specials lists and recommended some dishes for us which we duly ordered. They were fantastic so we left a nice big tip for the staff. Incidently, tipping is something that we're really trying to get to grips with here as it seems there's a bizarre system whereby the non-compulsory tip is actually more than compulsory. In fact, many of the businesses here get away with paying their staff a lower-than-minimum wage on the assumption that they'll get tips. If I remember back a few businesses in the UK tried that as well and were nailed up for it. It's not a practice I like.
The next day Ted and Betty drove us to Steveston which is a fishing port close to Vancouver. It was a great opportunity to sample fish and chips - something I've been missing a bit but was surprised to see advertised all over the area (as opposed to "fish and fries"). I was a bit dubious as to whether the Canadians could replicate this British classic but I wasn't disappointed. It was pretty similar to what you would be presented with in a UK pub.
At the Sunday service the next morning Betty had asked if I would contribute something to the music. After some discussion with the music leader (who'd forgotten that she'd already arranged this with Betty) it was decided that I would do a song at the beginning and some music for the second half of communion. I couldn't think of a Christmassy religious song that I fancied teaching them so I opted for my classic - "There Are No Lights on our Christmas Tree" which while not being overtly religious has a pretty good message. It seemed to go down well and I also played "O Come O Come Emmanuel" during communion. It was really nice to take part as given how involved I was at St. James Penicuik, attending a church service but not being part of the guts of it always feels slightly disconcerting. There was an ecumenical service that evening in the Unitarian church which we also attended and ended up at one the house of one of the younger folk from Ted and Betty's congregation. Charlotte and I were quizzed on our adventures over spiced cranberry juice and various edibles - just like being at a church gathering at home.
Betty and Ted dropped us off at the end of the pier where we caught the boat and then the Skytrain to meet Leo, one of our friends from Edinburgh who's spending some time in Vancouver. He'd arranged to meet us at the Cafe Deux Soleils - a cafe/bar type place for that evening's "Nerd Poetry Slam" which is a competition for poets to prevent a three minute poem on a Nerdy subject. It turned out to be great fun and quite reminiscent of the movie "So I Married an Axe Murderer". We ended up judging but like the mean Scots we are, we made sure we were mean with our points. The main act of the night was "The Klute" who was totally amazing.
Back at the house, Betty had made us a Lebanese feast from some of the recipes she'd learnt while her and Ted lived in Beirut in the late 80s. It was a fantastic meal and was at least as good as the Lebanese food we'd had at restaurants in the UK. You can find her recipes in the recipes section along with the butter tart recipe that we'd made that morning - a real Canadian classic.
As with all of our hosts in North America, I was gobsmacked at the hospitality we received in Vancouver - Ted and Betty even waited in the Greyhound station with us when the bus was an hour and a half late! They were talking about visiting Bath at some point so I really hope that comes to pass.
We were a bit nervous about the bus journey back into the US as we'd be crossing the border with a few food items (mainly our lunch), our contribution to Christmas in San Jose (more later) and a bottle of Strawberry wine from the wine place in Fort Langley. The border crossing was surprisingly easy going and the border guard even chatted (no, reallly!) about how he'd learnt violin as a youngster. When our bags went through the X-ray the two folk manning it were too busy chatting spend any time looking at the picture so if we were carrying anything we weren't supposed to be it wasn't detected. Before long we were met again by our bus driver and headed back into the good ol' US of A!
Why am I totally unsurprised that you two had a ball with RevTed and Mrs Betty? They are the best of people. Handsome b?ggers, too. They look unchanged from when we last saw them 3 years ago. Ted was and is a huge influence. He's one of a small handful of Sky-Pilots (and one of two Canadians, curiously ... hello Rev Warren ...) to have a really profound influence on the way I think about faith. T and B are also very funny people (in the "fun to be with" sense!). Love them both.
ReplyDeleteLove you twotoo ... "xxx" to C and beeg hugs to both.